Sunday, 11 March 2012

49 days to GO!

Dear Family and Friends,

The countdown is on! In 49 days we will be boarding a plane to Africa!

Since we last wrote, our lives have been busy. Extremely busy. This is probably the first chance that I've had to sit and reflect on what's been happening for long enough to be able to write it down. I (Carlin), have been taking extra shifts at the Children's Cottage so that we can take a month off in May. Stephen is in his final semester of the Engineering Design and Drafting program at SAIT, and we are so excited that he will be completing his studies at the end of April, just before we leave for Africa.

Many people have asked us, "how are your preparations coming?" and to be honest, that's kind of a hard question to answer. I think the reason that I struggle with this question is that we really don't know what it is that we will be doing for the duration of our trip. When I (Carlin) went on missions trips in high school and college, there was always a specific purpose; to build houses or minister to children or complete some sort of service project. This trip is different. We are going to come alongside our friends who live in an African community - live with them, support and encourage them as they build relationships with their community. Our deepest desire is to be available to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of those that God places in our path. Our preparations for this have simply been to listen to the Lord and ask Him to keep our hearts open to what He is going to do, and to what He is going to ask of us. 

What I can tell you is this - it seems like every week Stephen and I both receive incredible affirmation that the Lord's hand is guiding us in this journey. We are eager to serve Him in this way and to better understand how we can invest our lives in serving Him.

As far as logistical preparations go, we are well on our way thanks to many of you who have given of your resources to fund our mission. We have raised close to $5500, which is almost at our original goal. THANK YOU! Thank you so much. We have been incredibly blessed and humbled by the generosity of our friends and family. We see it as a sign of affirmation, not only in our ministry, but in our decision to follow God wherever He may lead. Your support is truly appreciated.

After crunching the numbers a bit more and getting some more realistic quotes, our total budget has increased to about $7500. This means that we are still asking you to prayerfully consider supporting us for this final $2000. You can send me an email at if you would like details on how you can do that.

We also started our immunizations last week (bleh!), and received the yellow fever shot which is required to gain entry into many African countries. And I'm happy to report that I didn't faint! No side effects either. And I got a free juice box out of the deal too! So, not all bad. We have an appointment on Thursday for a few more shots, and will be sending away for our visas this week. Please pray that they get approved and sent back within plenty of time.

Thank you once again for your support in prayer. It is the most powerful defence against opposition that we can have with us. Here are a few practical ways that you can pray. I (Carlin) will be working a lot right up until our departure. Please pray for grace to get through and to be able to show God's love to the kids that I work with every day. Pray for Stephen as he completes his studies and prepares to enter the working world again. Praise God that Stephen was hired at an Engineering Firm in Calgary, starting June 4th! Pray for our health, both now as we prepare and get the rest of our shots, and also while in Africa while we take malaria pills and experience different foods and climate.

Thanks for reading! We will try to blog more frequently now and while we are away. Be sure to check back often or enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts.

In Christ,

Stephen & Carlin 

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