Thursday, 17 May 2012

⎨Boubou⎬Day 15

We got to go to H's house again this morning for a visit.
It was really fun to be able to go back and visit for the second time. We were greeted with much excitement and immediately we were able to play games with the kids and continue getting to know one another. We had brought a few photos along from Canada of Stephen and I in front of Lake Louise in the wintertime, and also a picture of a snowman that we had made. Our little book got passed around for quite some time and the women and children studied the snow and many said that they wanted to come to Canada with us. When I took out my camera this time even the ladies wanted their pictures taken. They asked me to take many photos and even went and got changed into their best outfits to come have a photo taken. They would each take turns with one of their best veils for their photos. Unfortunately I can't post the photos of the women for security purposes but here's some of the kids...

The boys had a pair of old glasses that they all took turns getting a picture with:

This is the outside of their house. Most of the living area is outside.

Washing clothes

I hope that we were a blessing to this family and in some small way can encourage them in their walk. 
H seemed encouraged by our visit and commented that he was happy that we had walked all the way to his house in the hot sun. (The walk took about 20 minutes) 

And here's Stephen in his Boubou that H made for him! H is a tailor by trade. A boubou is the traditional dress for men here. It can be made in any number of colours but is usually just one solid colour and usually not very bright colours. It's drawstring pants and a long shirt that looks more like a dress.
 Doesn't Stephen look like an angel?

When we got home Tiana and Micah and I goofed off a bit and took some silly pictures just for fun:

Tiana twirling in her new dress:

In Him,

Carlin (& Stephen)

- 40ºC today
- The car came back from the shop this evening
- Today was a holiday here (Ascension Day) so the kids didn't have school. They were told in the morning that today would be a video game free day, even though Micah figured playing video games would be an excellent way to celebrate Jesus' Ascension. We had fun playing UNO, Memory and Scrabble Junior with them during the afternoon.

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