Sunday, 6 May 2012

⎨Camaraderie⎬Day Four

Today was pretty laid back. We just hung around the house for the afternoon, and in the evening we visited a service held at the mission hospital in the next town. Melanie and Micah stayed home as Micah has not been feeling well. Please keep him in your prayers.

The team here has been using a different approach in sharing the good news with people. Since the approach is different, they have decided to take turns "practicing" on each other each week. This week was Treven's turn. He began by having a few different people read a particular passage. (This method requires a group - no individual studies are allowed) Once the text had been read a few times, he had them close their books and repeat back what the passage said in their own words. Then Treven asked three questions:
-What does this passage say about the creator?
-What do I need to obey?
-Who can I share this with?

This method really requires a lot of trust, because the person leading is not supposed to interject or teach at any point throughout the study. But it allows the people involved to come to truth themselves rather than requiring the leader to point the way for them, while also equipping them to share with others. It really forces those involved to live out what they are hearing right from the very beginning.

The local people that have been reading the word this way have shown a deep desire and hunger for more truth. "H" wanted another couple to come to his home twice a day so that they could read together! He is so hungry for truth that he had not found in his own religion.

The whole study today was done in French, as that is the common language for the team at the hospital. Fortunately, one of the women translated for us so we could have some idea of what was going on.

It was great to see a bit of the mission hospital. We will get to take a tour of it later in the week so I'll post pictures then.

 -Temperature was 41ºC today.
 -We started sleeping with "frozen" water bottles to try and keep cool at night! One of the other ladies at the service we were at tonight suggested having a shower with our PJ's on before getting into bed. I guess we will do whatever works!
 -While we are taking malaria medication, and there are mosquito nets, we haven't seen a single mosquito. It's so hot in the area that we are that bugs don't seem to be a big concern.


Stephen and Carlin

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